Thursday, February 10, 2011

Spaghetti Pie visits IU...maybe I should take orders!

My daughter, Sophie, writes a blog also and it is wonderful to read..she shares about her life as a freshman college student.  (  Anyway, she posted my blog about her birth and the spaghetti pie on her blog.  I was just praying that my story would not have embarrassed seems that anymore i am NOT COOL at all with my three teen girls, no matter WHAT i do! can imagine how thrilled i was that she was pleased enough with my piece that she posted it on hers.

Here's the Pie before it 'traveled'.

This in turn, meant that many of her friends read my blog...many of the girls on her floor in her dorm.  So a couple of days ago, i get a call from her saying that the "Harper 9 Girls" are requesting my Spaghetti Pie!  You know, dorm food is MUCH better now than when i was in college a million years ago...but it is still not home cooking no matter.  And you just don't realize how much those meals that mom made meant until you are gone.  Hey, isn't this what my blog is about...the memories of food through the ages???  So, as you can imagine i was thrilled to accommodate and maybe create a new fun memory for her by sharing that same recipe of Spaghetti Pie that was brought to my home when she was born. (

My daughter, Abbie, who is a Senior in high school had planned to make an official college visit today to Indiana i made the pie last night and it was transported with my husband and Abbie to college, along with some store bought valentine sugar cookies.  (I had full intention of sending what was left of the chocolate cake with butter cream frosting (the last blog), but didn't because i realized there were only about 3 slim slices left...and i didn't want this to be a source of fights...because this cake IS worth fighting over!)

So...a while ago, i get a call from Sophie.  I answer.  "Where's the cake?"  No hello, no nothing..just where's the cake!  I ask if she received the yummy sugar cookies with the icing on them and she replies..."You are avoiding the question...where is the cake?"  Ok..well sorry.  Hey..i made the huge pie, didn't i ?  Don't i get some credit for THAT?   Ok, next visit to Indiana University will have me transporting that delicious cake.  I guess i can't blame her for being's a bazillion times better than those cookies! 

Once again...for all i do right, there is always something else that i didn't do!  Geesh!  Well, it's all good....and I'm just glad that she appreciates my cooking enough to request it.  So, here's to the girls of Harper 9 at Indiana University:  Bon appetite!
Some of the girls enjoying the Pie...thank you, Sophie for the pictures!