So, it’s starting to get a fall chill to the air in Indiana…finally after one of the longest Indian summers I can remember. The leaves have turned beautiful crayola colors and most are on the ground now. The past weekend I was able to witness the full effects of fall back in Bloomington, my college stomping ground located in southern Indiana (for those of you not familiar). My friend, ‘Jane’ (ok, names have been changed for my blog's know, protect the innocent, blah, blah...) and I took a drive towards Nashville, Indiana…a very ‘artsy’ little community tucked away most of the year until fall arrives and then it explodes with tourists. People come from all over Indiana to experience this smaller version of Gatlinburg, Tennessee. There are artisans of various trades, country home-style foods, roasted nuts and fudge, antiques, and unfortunately lots of junky t-shirt and souvenir stores. (Another unfortunate similarity to Gatlinburg). We walked and looked at all of the handcrafted items…leathers, wood carvings, pottery, photographers, paintings, beadwork, blown glass, crystals, hand painted furniture, home made goods of all kinds.
local potter..doing his thing.. |
Funny thing is that while most people like to enjoy simply looking through the shops, Jane and I seem to enjoy hearing people’s stories about what brought them to do their works of art....yes, we have the gift of gab and curiosity. We talked to an older woman in her shop who had been taking beautiful photographs of the area for many, many years… As she framed and wrapped one of her beautiful fall scenery pictures for a customer, she told us her story. In a nutshell, she had not always done photography…but was in an accident that prevented her from making a living and disabled her. She was asked to take some pictures for a family member’s social function and discovered that she, with the help of the camera, had an eye for capturing people, nature, etc, through photography. That she enjoyed pleasing others with her pictures and that is how it began for her. In her case, when she thought that all hope was lost and the door was closed permanently….she discovered that it was only the beginning of a new and better life. One that she enjoyed now, instead of going day after day to a job that was not nearly as rewarding to her. I realized that her story could also be mine (or many others like me)….and I took it to heart. At the age of 51, I have felt in so many ways that I have lost myself by taking care of others for so many years. Mind you, I will never regret taking the time to raise my family and being a ‘stay at home’ mom (even when it was not so easy from time to time). Those years that my husband and I willingly chose for me to spend at home have paid off for my girls 100%. But…now, I have felt many times that I have wasted time…should have been building my career…should have, could have….helping financially and having the self worth that goes along with the contribution to a family. Sure…I did laundry, helped with homework, volunteered at the girls’ schools, and did crafts until I was literally covered in paint and glue! I go back and forth in my mind, rethinking the past. And now, I think….What can I do at the age of 51 and how can I start now when it is so late? Let alone to find something that makes me happy, is enjoyable, or rewarding for me, personally. I related to this woman. She was there. Her door had closed…but had it??? Like they say…”When one door closes, another opens”. She is an amazing example of this saying. She was able to press the‘re-do’ button and was now doing what she loved most. The other thing that I deciphered from her story is that happiness and success isn’t all about money or prestige that people strive for …or the mass of material things. The more expensive the better…the person with the most money at the end wins!! No, not true and certainly not true for her. She had made a good income before…but now, even though she appeared to have a successful shop, her income was not consistent and certainly not guaranteed (they don’t call artists ‘starving’ for nothing!). Her reward was that of pleasing others and bringing happiness to them through her photographs….much better than the membership at the country club or the designer labels in the closet. That, my friends, is the price of happiness at your own pace. Living a simpler life…appreciating your environment, friends, lovers, spouses, children and life in general. Wow…think of all the people that simply walked into her shop and looked and perhaps either bought something or not. Honestly, they went out empty handed if they did not talk to her. Jane and I walked out the door with a few life lessons…much more than something in a bag, don’t you think? The ride back was sooo enjoyable…the sights and smells of fall…my senses were overwhelmed. On top of it all…a full moon. I reflected about the story of the woman..I reflected on my story. Everyone has a story. As the moon glowed from above, I realized that just like this blog…I am able to write my own story. Able to create my own self. Able to begin again anew. That this is MY time and I am the only one who can make my life happen and change for the better.
Full moon in Bloomington |
The next day…I took a trip back to the same Farmer’s market where I got my coffee that I wrote about in my previous blog post. Just as the last time, there was much activity…people buying, people looking, entertainers, and even a couple of politicians (who, by the way, looked like they were 16). Yes, I got my coffee again and looked over the veggies.. ohhhhhhh, so many beautiful varieties!!!! I have never seen so many peppers in my life…some hot, some sweet, some red or green…some purple even. And salad greens…many kinds I have never heard of. This place is truly a chef’s dream come true. I knew I had to buy something…..But what? I wanted it all!!! So, with much thought, I finally decided on two vegetable items. One being the most beautiful peppers I have ever seen…their shapes were so imperfect (which I love!) and the colors so pronounced. If they tasted as good as they looked, I would be in heaven! The second veggie was three bunches of turnips. Go ahead…make fun of me! (I can hear you gasping…WHY!!!?) These turnips are not your standard kind of tasteless rubber balls you buy at your local grocery. There were, as like the other types of veggies, different varieties to choose from I had never seen before. Who knew turnips could be so fascinating! I settled for some beautiful white, tender turnips and left the place thinking I was the luckiest girl ever. Ok...i guess things have changed drastically for me because had I known 30 years ago that a vegetable could make me so happy….well, I would be very disappointed in this simple fact! And that’s all I’m gonna say about that! Sooooo…in honor of my weekend and the beautiful fall weather, and the beautiful turnips I bought… I made a wonderful comfort soup for our dinner last night…not simply good for your soul (as the books claim), but good for whatever life hands you. Make this with someone you love, for someone you love… and eat it with someone you love…and you will forget about all of your troubles for sure. It will warm your heart and renew your spirit. I promise. And let the turnip be the new surprise in a very predictable soup….read between the lines and you will understand what I mean. Recipe follows…and by the way, if you make it…I want to hear about it! |
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